RoundTable Discussion Workshop on Developing SEZs
Special Economic Zones Act 2012 was promulgated to encourage, promote and enhance industrial base in the country. The purpose was to facilitate domestic and foreign investors to invest in manufacturing sector of Pakistan offering them special exemptions and incentive leading to reduced cost of doing business with efficient infrastructure. Government is embarking on Special Economic Zones as a tool for attracting investment to revive and diversify the manufacturing and exports. It is envisaged that successful SEZs will enhance overall economic connectivity, integration and competitiveness, as well as investments, exports and productivity, which are keys for the revitalisation of the economy, fiscal consolidation, jobs creation and poverty alleviation.
Board of Investment (BoI) in collaboration with Asian Development Bank is organizing a roundtable workshop to discuss issues relating to developing SEZs in Pakistan. The main purpose of the roundtable discussion workshop is to communicate the findings of the latest developments regarding the SEZs as well as to discuss key constraints and way forward for SEZs development under CPEC and beyond. It would be an interactive session so that participants can freely share their views, relevant knowledge and information to contribute to the discussion with objective to come up with a way forward for the roadmap to develop SEZs in Pakistan. The Concept Paper for the subject Roundtable is attached for ready reference.
Board of Investment, being the secretariat of the SEZs, feels pleasure to invite your good self to participate in the said Roundtable to contribute your valuable suggestions and help in collective wisdom to prepare a road map to develop successful SEZs across Pakistan.