Pakistan Belarus Investment Forum, Islamabad

BoI organized Pakistan-Belarus Investment and Business Forum on 05th October, 2016 at Islamabad during the visit of President of Belarus to Pakistan. The forum was jointly inaugurated by President of Belarus and Prime Minister of Pakistan. A 54 Member Belarusian delegation participated in the event where as 146 officials and private sectors businessmen comprising from various sectors such as agriculture, dairy, textile, fertilizer, automotive, machinery and chemicals sectors attended the forum. The preventatives of the following Ministries made presentations and highlighted the investment opportunities and sectoral policies:

Ø  Ministry of Industries & production.

Ø  Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources.

Ø  Ministry of National Food Security and Research.

Ø  Ministry of Textile Industry.

Seven (7) Contracts/MOUs were signed among the Pakistani & Belarusian Companies during the forum.

Conference Date
Conference Location